not comparable to 意味

  • 《be ~》~には比べものにならない


  1. not comparable to hit around here
    こっちはね 比べものにならないぐらい
  2. fear is a great player , for example , but he is not comparable to good players in asia .
    例えばフィアーは良いプレイヤーだ それでもアジアの プレイヤーにはかなわない
  3. the quantity and the extent of the regions bringing in the earthenware found in makimuku remains throughout the 3rd century is not comparable to that of the other regions; 15% of the excavated earthenware is brought from wide variety of regions in japan from suruga , owari , ohmi , hokuriku , sanin to kibi regions; thus , this particular village would have been the center of the physical distribution and the cultural exchange among communities during that period .


        comparable:     comparable adj. 比較できる; 匹敵する. 【副詞】 The technology they use in producing the product is broadly comparable to ours. あの会社がその製品を作るのに用いている技術はわが社の技術にほぼ匹敵する The two are not remotely comparable.
        comparable to:    《be ~》~に相当{そうとう}する、~と(比べても)遜色{そんしょく}ない、~と肩を並べる
        comparable with:    《be ~》同程度{どうていど}の
        comparable analgesic:    比較鎮痛薬{ひかく ちんつうやく}
        comparable in intensity to:    (明るさなどが)~と同程度{どうていど}である
        comparable in magnitude to:    ~と大きさが同程度{どうていど}である
        comparable job:    匹敵{ひってき}する仕事{しごと} How long will it take to find a comparable job? (前の職と)匹敵する職がみつかるのにどれくらいかかるだろうか?
        comparable luminosity:    同等{どうとう}の光度{こうど}
        comparable period:    同期{どうき}
        comparable price:    可比価格{かひ かかく}
        comparable result:    同様{どうよう}[類似{るいじ}]の結果{けっか}
        comparable rigidity:    比剛性{ひ ごうせい}
        comparable situations:    類似{るいじ}の場合{ばあい}
        comparable size to:    ~に匹敵{ひってき}する規模{きぼ}
        comparable worth:    《法律》同等価値{どうとう かち}◆男女の賃金を同一にすべきであるという考え方


  1. "not come up to someone's shoulder" 意味
  2. "not come very regularly" 意味
  3. "not comfortable with" 意味
  4. "not commit oneself" 意味
  5. "not commit oneself to" 意味
  6. "not compatible" 意味
  7. "not competent to lead others" 意味
  8. "not completely compatible with" 意味
  9. "not completely lose contact with each other" 意味
  10. "not commit oneself" 意味
  11. "not commit oneself to" 意味
  12. "not compatible" 意味
  13. "not competent to lead others" 意味

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